What to Bring

Take a Tour
Day Care
 What to Bring
Medical Info
Contact Info

Adequate amount of food. Please bring food in a "Ziploc" baggie or
dogs name on canned food.   

Special or Favorite Treats

Any Required Medication

First time visit only:

Proof of Flea and Tick Prevention
Shot Records showing the
Bordetella Vaccine

We do not need your bowl, toys, measuring cups, travel crates, tote bag, leashes, beds, brush/combs or blankets.  If you insist on leaving them, we cannot guarantee the return of the item and we will not be held responsible for the cost of replacement.

Please also bring a completed Resort Agreement
Click here to download our Resort Agreement

Precious Pets Luxury Dog Resort
2845 Belcher Road, Dunedin, FL 34698
info@luxurydogresort.com  Phone: (727)  796-0788